#WEBINAR 1: Prof. Michael Grieves and the digital twin for circular value chains of the AUTO-TWIN project

A digital twin is a set of virtual information that describes and reproduces a virtual product, process, or system of a real physical one. It is a virtual replica of an asset that allows designers to rapidly create, test and validate new iterations and to experiment them with different configurations. This concept has a means of determining production or implementation feasibility, minimising wastage of resources and chances of failure.

This webinar will provide insights on how to implement the Digital Twin Concept to accelerate and optimise manufacturing productions and processes. With Prof. Grieves, we then will apply the same concepts, with a specific reference to circular value chains, within the AUTO-TWIN Project.

Professor Michael Grieves is an expert on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and is widely recognised as the father of the concept of Digital Twin after a conference he gave on PLM at the Society of Manufacturing Engineers in Michigan in 2002. The actual name was defined during Grieves’ collaboration with the NASA while developing a technological roadmap in 2010. Grieves has over five decades of extensive executive and deep technical experience in both global and entrepreneurial technology and manufacturing companies. He serves as the Chief Scientist and Executive Director of the Digital Twin Institute, in Florida, and Academically he has done research and taught at the University of Michigan, Purdue University, and the University of Iowa. Prof. Grieves currently has an appointment at the University of Central Florida.

The Topics that will be discussed during the webinar are:

  • Overview of the DT concept, the genesis of it, and how it has developed over time

  • How DTs work (5’)

  • DT best benefits, negative points, and shortcomings

  • Examination of the current value and expected future evolutions of DTs (5’)

  • DT usage in manufacturing – examples and real cases (5’)

  • DT impact on sustainable and circular economies, and environment issues (5’)

  • Analysis and evaluation, considerations and suggestions about the AUTO-TWIN project (10’)

  • Q&A (20’)

*DT = Digital Twins

Moderator and AUTO-TWIN project coordinator:

Andrea Matta, Ph.D., full professor of Processing Technologies and Systems at the Department of Mechanics of the Politecnico di Milano.

He teaches Mechanical Technology and Quality and Integrated Production Systems. He is Guest Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and is the Rector's Delegate for the strategic partnership project with the Jiaotong University of Shanghai. Editor-In-Chief of the scientific journal Flexible Services and Manufacturing, associate editor of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and member of the advisory board of OR Spectrum. He was visiting professor at the Ecole Centrale Paris in 1999, at the University of California of Berkeley in 2007 and at Tongji University in 2009 and 2013. Head of the research area "Configuration and management of integrated production systems" at the Laboratorio MUSP (Machine Tools and Production Systems). He is the author of over 130 scientific publications about analysis, design, and management of production systems for goods and services, development of simulation-optimization methods of production and assembly lines, and definition of control policies for the reduction of energy use in manufacturing production.


Visualising AUTO-TWIN’s software architecture


AUTO-TWIN and the Horizon Results Booster service